SMS Marketing
If you need any SMS gateway integrated website/application into your system, cCRWETECH offer full-fledged, reliable and secure SMS gateway method. All you have to do is to let us know what kind of service you are using and rest is our work.
What We Offer
- One of the best Bulk SMS Services.
- Send SMS with your Branded Sender ID from our Online Bulk SMS Program or SMS Excel Plugin.
- Send SMS using web based system, Excel SMS Plugin, or HTTP API.
- Instant delivery of messages and online delivery status report.
- Track the history of bulk sms sent. A very handy information for bulk sms promotions and services.
- Manage message templates. A very good feature for Bulk SMS Promotion Campaigns.
- A very good feature for SMS Promotion Campaigns.
- Easy to integrate and deploy. That's the power of our Bulk SMS Solutions.